Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Overwhelmed is putting it lightly

     So.... I recently looked at all of my "stuff" that SHOULD be in my store.... and then I decided to sit down and take a break, lol. Just looking at all of the things I have that need to be listed exhausted me! To top that off my "other half"  (he likes to think better half- HA HA!)  keeps enticing me with announcements in the paper about upcoming auctions (which I LOVE to go to and where I often find some great treasures) remember that blog entry about the definition of "stuff" ? See- enabler- yep that's my husband!
     Just think if what I have now exhausts me- I'm going to be completely destroyed if he gets me to an auction.....lmao! 
     So I guess it all boils down to self control- wow I'm in trouble because I have none...... sigh. 

Oh well- see ya on the flip side! In the meantime you can check out what I have actually managed to list in my booth at:  

1 comment:

  1. I'm trying to keep from getting more "stuff" until some space frees up on my shelves. It should be interesting to see how long I last.
    Good luck!
